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Food additives: a step forward in the re-evaluation programme

EFSA held a wide ranging and constructive workshop with about 50 stakeholders as part of its ongoing re-evaluation programme of food additives.

The meeting in Brussels on 28 April was attended by business operators, scientific experts, representatives of the European Commission and national food safety authorities.

EFSA staff presented on the experience acquired in the re-evaluation of food colours, the principles followed in risk assessments and the Authority’s proposed work programme for 2014-2016 on the re-evaluation of food additives. They highlighted the importance of responding to public calls for data as this gives experts access to more relevant data on which to base their exposure assessment.

During the break-out sessions participants discussed how and when data for risk assessment should be submitted.

Stakeholders had the opportunity to share their views and make suggestions on how to strengthen scientific cooperation. All suggestions will be evaluated for possible implementation in the next months.

EFSA’s work follows a request from the European Commission  to re-evaluate the safety of all food additives authorised before January 2009. This is to make sure that the latest available scientific information is taken into account.

