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Annual Activity Report 2009

The overall workload remained high and several initiatives were taken to strengthen planning, increase support for the Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee, and streamline processes. The number of outputs (636) delivered in 2009 was significantly less than predicted in Management Plan 2009 (1395) due mainly to procedural difficulties associated with health claims, in particular delays in the receipt of questions and quality issues, as well as delays in the submission of pesticide evaluations and non-receipt of some mandates. The unpredictability of some aspects of EFSA's workload points towards the need for a mid-year review of targets and EFSA will consider such a biannual planning system in future. Collaboration with the European Commission was increased to forecast and prioritize the incoming work, e.g. via the Roadmap agreed with DG Health and Consumers (DG SANCO). Furthermore, 341 meetings were held with Member States and stakeholders to exchange views, provide information and discuss the work. The Mandates Review Committee was established to support the allocation of incoming questions.
